Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Day 3: Tricky Dick

Ah, the smirk. Is there anyone less charming on the planet than Dick Cheney, the greasiest, most repugnant Washington insider and backdoor dealer that ever... oh wait, Tom DeLay is still in office. Sorry, Dick.

Well, I'll say this - the Republicans got their groove back tonight. Sorta reminds me of the 1992 convention, when they unleashed all their ugly, hateful bastards. To be fair, Cheney's speech felt like a big wet kiss compared to Zell's whacked-out screed. But Cheney continues to operate is a fantasy world. For instance, his boast about how the "black market" for nuclear secrets has been shut down. Huh? What and who is he talking about? Saddam and his nuclear secrets? Al Queda's nuclear secrets... that they were trying to get from Saddam? Simply a bizarre assertion, but it got some applause.

Okay, Kerry, the gloves are off. You can start shoving back or you get your ass kicked.


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