Friday, October 15, 2004

The "L" Word

That was the headline on the hard-hitting Today show this morning. Just as I stupidly began to believe that maybe, just maybe, the media was becoming focused on concrete issues in this campaign, the Bush campaign has decided to make a stink about John Kerry's compliment about the Cheneys' family.

I think the general reaction speaks volumes about where the respective parties and candidates stand on the issue of gay rights and their general view of homosexuality in general. Let's get this straight -- the reason conservatives are lashing out at Kerry is that they feel he was drawing attention to some Cheney family shame (as if Mary Cheney was a drug addict).

If you doubt this, read some of the letters on Andrew Sullivan's site. As usual, Andrew brings the most lucid (and as a gay conservative, authoritative) response to this nonsense. Furthermore, isn't it odd to see all the Cheneys (sister Liz was on Larry King yesterday) defending Mary's honor? Wouldn't you think that Mary, as her father's campaign manager, could defend herself if she is indeed so offended? However, as we've seen, Karl Rove prefers not to have Mary do any talking (or appear onstage with her family at the RNC).


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