Friday, December 03, 2004

The Best Records of 2004

That's right faithful readers (Sam, Steph, Steve, Jason, um...), my picks for the best music of 2004 are complete. Sure to be the source of fierce controversy, this list should inspire you to throw away your collection of Bee Gees records and buy each and every one of these fabulous albums (all available in the hip, modern CD format and possibly in the even hipper, more modern downloadable digital format). No music collection is complete without these CD's, and let's face it: no music collection is ever complete, period.

Love, peace and shit...


Blogger David Kennedy said...

Sorry, I accidentally deleted some witty comments...

From Steve:
"Oh please tell me that Britney Spears 'Greatest Hits: My Prerogative' is on your list? She's sooo awesome!"

From Anonymous (Sam):
"I have been reading your blog for a while, and it strikes me that you listen to a narrow genre of music. Before you compose your favorites list, I thought it would be helpful for you to hear a more eclectic list. To that end, I've composed my favorites list.
1) Blue shoes- Shoeless Kelly- this one is just awesome. It's sultry and evocative and even has tuba solos!
2) Manic Tuesdays- The Colas- I didn't appreciate this one at first, but over time it seduced me with it's carbonated layers and sugary lyrics.
3) Watch Your Back- KICKIT- No one loves this band like I do. I would leave my husband for the bassist- yum!
4) We all are Alpha Dogs- Alpha Dogs- Seriously, who let the dogs out, and how soon can they get here. The harp line really is grrroovy and the soundless tracks are standout classics.
5) Tambourine- Tift Merritt- Her effort was commendable."

7:05 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:27 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Reposted to correct atrocious spelling...

Harps, tubas, and tasty bassists? Talk about being ultra-specific.

Ya'll all need to open your minds to the vocal stylings of 2004's cream of the crop. Case in point, the beautiful/handsome Mrs. Costello aka Ms. Diana Krall, whose landmark new CD, "The Girl in the Other Room" is blowing minds and breaking barriers. I can't believe I even have to *mention* U2's superb new effort "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb". The title says it all: "ATOMIC"; and it will literally BLOW you away. This is one bomb you won't even WANT to dismantle! And I couldn't even imagine 2004 without Usher's "Confessions". That bad boy rocks my universe with his sexy silky-tongued lyrics and those smooth groovy R&B hooks. I mean, the title song Confessions was so smokin' hot there had to be a Part 2! I could go on, but I'll just leave you wanting more.

1:29 PM


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