Thursday, September 08, 2005

Professionals my ass

"Most of government runs on the basis of a combination of civilian leadership that's elected and career professionals that fill the jobs underneath them. And we're always trying to strike the right balance. But I think generally that overall principle has served us well as a government over the years. You've got to have people at the top who respond to and are selected by presidents, and you pick the best people you can to do the jobs that need to be done."
--Dick Cheney, today

Career professional? Is that what Dick Cheney thinks Mike Brown is?

Despite the administration's insistence that Brown and FEMA performed well in Florida last year (that would be swing-state Florida in an election year), the Sun-Sentinel takes exception to that claim:,0,4560444.story?coll=sfla-news-editorial

Also, here's a rundown of how some of your tax dollars were managed by FEMA after last year's hurricanes in Flordia:,0,6697347.storygallery?coll=sfla-news-utility

Professionals? Really? Even if you buy the party line that FEMA is not a "first responder" (I'll agree to that, though that doesn't explain Mike Brown's ever-present image on TV last week), is this the fuckwit you want managing over $50 billion in relief money?


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