Friday, March 17, 2006

Political cover for cowards

First, we had the McCain Amendment, supposedly to rein in the CIA, military and current Administration from condoning, excusing or participating in torture (whatever the hell that is anymore). Then it was passed but with no teeth whatsoever. And John McCain decided to let the whole thing rest.

Now, so-called moderate Republicans like Chuck Hagel and Lindsey Graham - I guess in an effort to soothe their battered consciences or something - have co-sponsored legislation to make President Bush's illegal eavesdropping program legal. With very little (or no) oversight required from Congress.

Since the basic premise of the program (as outlined ad nauseum by our favorite lawyer, Alberto Gonzales) was that the President doesn't need the permission of Congress, what exactly is the fucking point of this legislation? Political cover is all I can think of. Well, fuck Hagel and Graham and Snowe and all of these so-called Republican "mavericks" who want to act like they've grown a spine but end up backing down from His Majesty King George anyway.

A few months ago, I thought McCain was the last great hope for this country's future. Now, in less than a month, he's shown that he's willing to say just about anything to ingratiate himself to the Republican base (i.e. rabid Fox News-watching fundamentalist morons) and to King George. Well, guess what, McCain -- those crazy fuckin' assholes are going to hand you your ass in the primaries, and I won't even get a chance to vote against you in the general election (in case you missed the results of that little cracker straw poll down in Memphis). So you might as well just say what you believe in, if you in fact believe in anything anymore.

It's worth noting that McCain voted to extend the very tax cuts he voted against several years ago, which he claimed at that time were fiscally irresponsible. Oh, I guess I missed the part where Bush finally became fiscally responsible to warrant your support of his tax cuts. Now what's the word we're looking for here... oh yeah - FLIP-FLOPPER! Get used to that one, John - you'll hear it a lot during the primaries.

Where the hell is Rudy Giuliani anyway?


Blogger Charlie said...

The unfortunate state of afairs in U.S. politics today is that moderates on both sides will have a tough time in their party primary races in 2008. The Republicans will not accept a moderate that has not made inroads to them, and the same is true with the left and the Democrats.

6:46 PM

Blogger David Kennedy said...

Charlie, I think you're right - good point about the Dems also. I'm pretty scared about what choices we'll end up with in Nov '08. When Hillary looks like the sure thing, the Democrats are in deep trouble.

Oh, and I didn't mean to imply that Chuck Hagel is a silver-spooned baby. That other posting was in reference to Katherine Harris in Florida (who apparently is).

3:25 PM


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