Torture - no give-backs!
If you'd like a window into what passes for "conservative debate" on the issue of torture, take a gander at the talkback over here. Never mind how many homophobic quips make their way into any comments regarding Andrew Sullivan. What's really telling is how any issue (in this case, the decision to remove prohibitions against humiliation from the Army Field Manual) surrounding detainee abuse quickly devolves into how prisoner "humiliation" is nothing more than junior high antics, or how those terrorists should be lucky we don't behead them like they would us (cause ya know, we should measure our behavior by how a TERRORIST would behave).
Gee, how did the United States squeak by all these years without employing junior high humiliation tactics to depose prisoners of war? Thank God for our continuous improvement in the field of interrogation.
Oh, and since we're name-calling (ah, junior high all over again), Ann Coulter is a stupid whore. I just hadn't mentioned that today.
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