Thursday, September 02, 2004

John Derbyshire, the conscience of conservatism?

The good folks over at the National Review were as taken aback by Zell Miller's anti-democracy tirade as the rest of us, right? Right?

John Derbyshire on Miller's speech:
"Whatever he was for, we were for. Whatever he was against, we were against. This was a real star turn, the best speech of the convention so far — better than Arnie, better than Rudy. It was an honor and a privilege to be in that hall when Zell Miller spoke."

And remember, if you disagree with Zell or Derbyshire or any policy of the Bush Administration, you are trying to "take down" the good President. On Nov. 2, it may feel like you are exercising your democratic right to vote, but sorry, you're committing treason.

Update: If you'd rather read a clear-headed response to Zell Miller's speech try William Saletan over at Slate.


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