Friday, May 06, 2005

That's Hot - week ending 5/7

Back by popular demand, here's what's hot in DKHtown this week:
  1. Ryan Adams - Cold Roses
    Don't believe the naysayers - despite it's considerable girth, Cold Roses is not packed with filler, and most of the 18 tracks are considerably better than anything he's released since Pneumonia.
  2. Revenge Of The Sith soundtrack w/ bonus DVD
    The soundtrack is a worthy addition to John Williams' SW oeuvre, but the bonus DVD of 16 (count 'em) "music videos" is a bad idea but actually works pretty well. For those lonely, late nights of nerdliness.
  3. Houston Rockets vs. Dallas Mavericks
    Just when you thought there was no way it would go to seven games, the Mavs fall in line with David Stern's evil masterplan.
  4. Springtime in Houston
    Winding up one the nicest Houston springs I can remember, we'll all remember it fondly when this item finds its way onto my next list: "That's Really Fuckin' Hot".
  5. Project Greenlight
    It has lost some of its dramatic tension down the stretch, but PG sheds light once again on the fascinating machinations of Hollywood. Except this time they might actually have a serviceable film on their hands. Ben Affleck's "I like Porky's" impersonation of Chris Moore was so honest it hurts.

Bonus - That's NOT Hot:

The O. C.'s one-two punch last night left me depressed and directionless. Alcoholism, attempted rape, drunk driving - sure it all sounds like a hoot, but it really just bummed me out. Only two episodes to go, please don't let me down, my one true TV love!


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