Thursday, July 06, 2006

Rush Limbaugh's Boner

Here is a small - yet important - point about the latest glaring example of hypocrisy in the right-wing universe:

I know Limbaugh went on his stupid show and tried to "diffuse" it with humor (or a lame attempt at it), but where's the outrage from his loyal minions? It reminds me of compulsive gambler Bill Bennett and the free walk he got when his habit was exposed.

Yeah, I know - I thought you liberal/libertarian types were supposed to think this behavior is okay. Well, I think it's important that Rush can bone whomever he pleases and Bill can fritter away millions at the craps table, but I sure as shit shouldn't have to listen to them lecture me or anybody else about how society is going to hell. Frankly, in Bennett's case, I'll bet gambling is responsible for more failed marriages and broken families than, say, pornography. Gambling and porn are both legal for adults, but I've never heard Bennett defend pornography. Nor should he necessarily - just because it's legal doesn't mean it's moral. Unfortunately, the same might be said of gambling.

It'd be one thing if these morons owned up to their hypocrisy (or even acknowledged it), but these are just small incidents that represent the general decline of right-wing thinking in this country. Just remember that next time Limbaugh or Bennett are wagging their finger at some behavior, they're talking about YOUR behavior, not theirs.

(BTW, that is a very interesting blog, well worth checking out.)


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