"Having restored decency to the White House, President Bush now has a mandate to affect policy that will promote a more decent society, through both politics and law. His supporters want that, and have given him a mandate in their popular and electoral votes to see to it. Now is the time to begin our long, national cultural renewal ("The Great Relearning," as novelist Tom Wolfe calls it) — no less in legislation than in federal court appointments. It is, after all, the main reason George W. Bush was reelected."
-William Bennett, The National Review
Good to see Bill Bennett back from his gambling exile to re-appoint himself the nation's "values czar." Two thoughts: 1) I actually agree entirely with his statement, and 2) Is this what the "conservative" party has come to -- "promote a more decent society, through both politics and law"? So apparently, we're all smart enough to know how best to spend our money (tax cuts!) but not how to promote decent society?
I was not in the least surprised by Bush's victory, and I can see how anyone could look at this race and think "I just can't see shaking things up during a war and voting for that Kerry dude." But what's disheartening is that what it came down to (according to the ever-reliable exit polls) was "moral values." Huh? Gay marriage, abortion, um... stem cell research (wait, that's abortion)? These are the most pressing issues? But look at the massive approval of the discriminatory anti-gay measures passed in 11 states. Karl Rove was right all along, and people like Bill Bennett want a culture war. Well, you're gonna get it, Bill. I'm not going to sit around and let you define America for me.
Religious zealotry is our number-one enemy abroad right now. We don't need more of it at home.