Friday, November 05, 2004

Andrew Sullivan Letter

Andrew Sullivan, one of my favorite political pundits and my absolutely favorite blogger, was kind enough to publish the letter I sent him yesterday. It more or less sums up my reaction to the election, presuming of course that the talking heads are correct about the turnout and what it meant for the results. Always a lot of interesting feedback on his letters page, from all political stripes.

I'll let that letter be my last word on the election. I don't know how accurate the perception is that Bush's victory can be tied closely to the popularity of the state initiatives to ban gay marriage, but it certainly makes sense based on much of the exit polling. Apparently, Clinton advised Kerry in the final days to show some support for the ballot initiatives, and I'm proud that Kerry chose not to play that card, even if it cost him the election.

Scroll down to "Houston Dispatch" to read my letter:

And as a head's up, Andrew will be on the season finale of Real Time With Bill Maher on HBO this weekend.


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