Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Host your own nerd festival!

I'll just assume that you are geeky enough to know about this already. But in case you've been stuck in a Halo2 haze or something, you should stick your head out of your Nerd Cave and pick up The Return Of The King: Extended Edition today on DVD. Then you can crawl back into the cave and host a 12-hour marathon (for your cats, I guess).

I can't wait to see the extra 50 minutes, but it sounds to me like the additions are a bit less essential that those on The Two Towers (some of the Fellowship additions were superfluous, but no less enjoyable). Still, there's a few new scenes that I'm convinced were mistakenly left off the theatrical cut (cough... Saruman... cough). But seriously, we'd have needed Depends to get through a longer cut in the theater.

Don't forget to watch the documentaries on Discs 3 & 4. These aren't just your run-of-the-mill crappy DVD extras. Thirty years from now we'll look back on both the films and these docs and just marvel that these films were created so perfectly.


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