Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Swift Boat Veterans, v2.0

Yesterday, both John McCain and George H. W. Bush stated that they believe that Kerry's actions when he returned from Vietnam should be "fair game" (notably George, Sr. was reluctant to disavow any aspect of the Swift Boat Vet ad campaign). Laura Bush made a similar statement over the weekend. Then today on CNN, the new Swift Boat ad focuses solely on this aspect.

Coincidence? Can we really believe that there is "no connection" between this group and the Bush campaign? This is, quite frankly, some of the craftiest campaigning I've ever seen. And it's a sad and pathetic commentary on the political process. But I'll say this -- I thought it was a mistake for Kerry to focus so intently on his Vietnam service, and now he's being completely outmaneuvered. Kerry needs to call James Carville ASAP.


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