Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Burning Issue

I can't fucking believe that with all that Congress has (or should have) on its plate, its most significant legislative contribution might be the passage of an inane and utterly un-American Anti-Flag Burning Amendment. How wonderful that an almost two-thirds majority of Senators believes that scoring cheap political points is more important than preserving the essence of the U. S. Constitution.

Shame on Dianne Feinstein and any other politician who defends this action as American. They are traitors to the very intentions of our Founding Fathers. Hooray for USA Today and anyone else willing to stand up and defend freedom of expression.

UPDATE: Add Bob Kerrey to the list of voices urging common sense. And if you'd like to ponder the flag-burning issue and the pledge issue (see my visitor's comments) at the same time, read this interesting historical perspective. Banning flag-burning may seem like a relatively benign - if completely unnecessary - measure, but you might think twice after reading it.


Blogger David Kennedy said...

That's one helluva long "comment". I don't necessarily endorse this opinion (or the associated legal action). However, I do feel that the Pledge is an anachronistic practice. In high school (only 20 or so years ago), I had a Government teacher who told us the Pledge was optional, and we were protected under the First Amendment to NOT recite it. What a revelation!! And quite a few of us abstained, just to try out our newfound rights. That teacher would probably be run out on a rail these days.

Interesting how the only forum (that I can think of) these days for the Pledge in in classrooms. Maybe there is something to that indoctrination argument after all.

9:23 AM


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